When you sponsor a horse at Diego’s Friends Farm, you make an incredible, positive impact on their life. Your sponsorship helps ensure the sanctuary animals live long, healthy lives and receive all the love they could want as they rehabilitate and grow stronger to find their permanent, forever homes.

Sponsors are recurring, monthly donors of $50 or more. To sponsor one of our horses, please click the “Donate Now” button at the top of the website and choose which horse you’d like to be a sponsor of in the drop down menu. Your donation will go EXCLUSIVELY to the horse you wish to sponsor unless you let us know otherwise.

Sponsors receive the following extras

  • Exclusive Photos and Videos

  • Training Updates

  • Public thank you on our website and social media channels (unless you wish to keep anonymous)

  • Meet and Greet opportunities if you are local to the sanctuary

  • Free T-shirt (please include your T-shirt size in the note about your sponsorship)